Lars Behrenroth South Africa Tour October 2014
You may have seen the dates already on the banner floating around on Facebook, Twitter and the Deeper Shades website. I am on my way back to South Africa and you can catch me on the following dates at the following locations:
Friday, October 3rd - House 22, PretoriaSaturday, October 4th - The Warm Up, Johannesburg
Saturday, October 4th - Spring Fiesta, Boksburg
Saturday, October 4th - SubLevel, Johannesburg
Sunday, October 5th - Centurion Shisanyama
Friday, October 10th - Solly's, Cape Town
Saturday, October 11th - Afro Vibe, Bloemfontein
Sunday, October 12th - Nelspruit (TBC)

During some of these gigs (where location and access permits) I will have fairly limited amounts of T-Shirts for sale. Besides the DSOH logo shirts, my wife Kathy designed brand new "Don't Let Your Friends Listen To Bad Music" T-Shirts. If you can't make it to any of the gigs, no worries, once I return from my SA travel, I will add the shirts to the Deeper Shades online store and you can order them from the comfort of your home.