Download The First DSOH Wallpaper
This is the first batch of Deeper Shades of House wallpapers for your computer and / or your iPhone.
1024x768 | 1280x1024 | 1440x900 (Macbook Pro) | 320x480 (iPhone) <- select your size and save as..
It'd be boring to just post the links to the wallpapers so I give you a bit of background of how edition #1 came about.
Kathy - for those who still don't know, my wife and creative brain behind most artwork and images you see on and Deeper Shades Recordings - discovered, a web app that creates pretty cool images based on text used in RSS feeds.
After playing around with it a bit, I posted my first result via my Twitter and my buddy @mika73 suggested it'd make a pretty cool wallpaper. I didn't wanna blow it up in size because it would be quite blurry so he hinted that I should just create different size images with a black background and copy the wordle image in the center of it. Simple and easy and the first sizes (1280x1024 and 1024x768) were completed. Another Twitter buddy @we5 sent me 2 more sizes (320x480 for the iPhone and 1440x900 for Macbook Pro's) after I posted the previous ones and here we are.
The first Deeper Shades of House wallpaper generated out of the text included in the podcast RSS in four different resolutions. These are completely free downloads for you, so get 'em, put 'em on your machines and send 'em to your friends who dig Deeper Shades of House as much as you do. :) ..
1024x768 | 1280x1024 | 1440x900 (Macbook Pro) | 320x480 (iPhone) <- select your size and save as..

It'd be boring to just post the links to the wallpapers so I give you a bit of background of how edition #1 came about.
Kathy - for those who still don't know, my wife and creative brain behind most artwork and images you see on and Deeper Shades Recordings - discovered, a web app that creates pretty cool images based on text used in RSS feeds.
After playing around with it a bit, I posted my first result via my Twitter and my buddy @mika73 suggested it'd make a pretty cool wallpaper. I didn't wanna blow it up in size because it would be quite blurry so he hinted that I should just create different size images with a black background and copy the wordle image in the center of it. Simple and easy and the first sizes (1280x1024 and 1024x768) were completed. Another Twitter buddy @we5 sent me 2 more sizes (320x480 for the iPhone and 1440x900 for Macbook Pro's) after I posted the previous ones and here we are.
The first Deeper Shades of House wallpaper generated out of the text included in the podcast RSS in four different resolutions. These are completely free downloads for you, so get 'em, put 'em on your machines and send 'em to your friends who dig Deeper Shades of House as much as you do. :) ..