Welcome South Africa
{xtypo_dropcap}I{/xtypo_dropcap}n the last two weeks the second highest amount of vistitors to deepershades.net has come from South Africa. More and more people from Johannesburg, Auckland Park, Pretoria, Durban and 44 other cities stopped by to check out the show 'Deeper Shades of House' or the label 'Deeper Shades Recordings'. Thank you to those who have also written me emails and very nice messages on MySpace and Facebook and joined my Deeper Shades of House Facebook group.
I figured why not say "hello South Africa", welcome to deepershades.net and thank you for listening. The plan is to spotlight more countries like this in the next few months.

This image shows you the 'hot' parts of the country. The highest number of visitors ( 305 ) came from Johannesburg.
If you feel like it, let me know what city / country / continent you represent in the comments.