DSoH #338 - guestmix by Miles Moore
Wednesday, August 18th 2010

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1st hour
mixed by Lars Behrenroth
title - artist - label
Herb LF - Dimmer (Original) - Sophisticate Records
Imugem Orihama - Temperature, Breath, Humidity - Revival
Alton Miller - I Can't Hide (Paskal Rmx) - ProgCity Deep
Chez Damier - Why (D's Deep Mix) - Mojuba
Larse - There You Are - Conya Rec
Vakula - You Can Do - Firecracker
Rondenion - Never Let The Flames Die Down - Y.O.R.E.
Motor City Drum Ensemble - Raw Cuts #3
Mike Huckaby - The Deep House World - Third Ear Rec
Only on Video Mix:
Teflon Dons - All New Gods - Deeper Shades Recordings
Part 1 of a digital reissue effort
Deeper Shades Loves .. Teflon Dons
2nd hour
Exclusive guest mix by MILES MOORE ( HeadzUp! , Canada)
# - artist - title - label
1- Deetron - I Cling feat. Ovasoul7 (Yoruba Soul Mix) - Music Man
2- Atjazz & Mark de Clive-Lowe - Sweat No Sleep (Mark de Clive-Lowe Jazz Rub) - Atjazz Record Company
3- Atjazz Feat. Ernesto - Put It On (Osunlade Club Mix) - Atjazz Record Company
4- Brothers' Vibe - Because Of You (Raw Skins Mix) - Jersey Underground Recordings
5- Soha - Les Enfants Du Bled (Interlude Mix) - Yellow Productions
6- John 'Julius' Knight & Roland Clark - This Is House (This is House-A-Pella) - Soulfuric Trax
7- Gyasi Sanders - The Dance (Lars Behrenroth Remix) - Deeper Shades Recordings
8- Robert Owens - Deep Down (Smash Hunter Main Mix) - Underground Collective
9- Rocco & C. Robert Walker - Hard Time For Lovers (Main Mix) - Gogo
10- Stephen Rigmaiden - It's Ya Body - Offering
11- Harmony Funk - Always Be Around (Original Mix) - Nite Life Collective
12- Infinite Boys - Machangu (Afrotech Mix) - Infinite Records
13- Chateau Flight - Welcome (Accapella) - Versatile Records