DSOH PREMIUM FREE DOWNLOAD: Lars Behrenroth & Sinan Baymak "I Miss The Things (Joe DiPadova & Shea Marshall Remix No Beat Intro)" Unreleased

DSOH Premium members can download the unreleased "no beat intro" version of Joe DiPadova & Shea Marshall's remix of "I Miss The Things", produced by Lars Behrenroth & Sinan Baymak.
This "no beat intro" is perfect to start a mixtape, or wow the crowd in the middle of a set.
The original remix was featured on the first own produced single Lars put out on Deeper Shades Recordings in 2008 and is easily standing the test of time.
The high resolution version of this remix is only available as a free download for Deeper Shades Premium Silver & Gold members (login or sign up).
Go Premium to Download 320kbps mp3 FREE
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