
Guidelines for Submitting Guest Mixes to Deeper Shades of House

For 23 years, Deeper Shades of House has been spotlighting DJs from around the world with weekly guest mixes. We welcome everyone to submit a mix, but please contact Lars via [email protected] first—unless you’ve been personally invited to contribute.

Before submitting your mix, read the following carefully to ensure your mix meets the standards of Deeper Shades of House.



Submission Guidelines:


  1. Exclusivity:

    • Your mix must be exclusive to Deeper Shades of House.
    • It should not have been broadcast, uploaded, or shared anywhere else before or after submission.

  2. Recording Standards:

    • The mix must be:
      • Recorded in WAV or AIFF format, or as a 320kbps MP3.
      • At least 60 minutes long (not even a second shorter—longer is fine).
      • A clean recording, free of hums, hisses, or distortion.
      • Uncompressed, with at least 4dB of headroom (this means your audio levels shouldn’t peak at 0dB to leave space for proper mastering).

  3. No Additional Audio:

    • Do not include voiceovers, jingles, or IDs in your mix.

  4. Details for Submission:

    • Email your mix as a downloadable link to [email protected].
    • Include the following:
      • A full tracklist formatted like this:
        Artist – Title (Remix) – Label
        (if possible, please submit as plain text in your email)
      • A short bio about yourself.
      • Links to your social profiles and website.
      • Two high-quality photos of yourself.

  5. Label Your Files Correctly:

    • Name the file with your DJ name (e.g., DJName-MixTitle.mp3).
    • Ensure the ID3 tags of the file (the embedded metadata) include your full contact info (DJ name, email, social handles, etc.).
    • If you're unsure about ID3 tags, you can find guides online specific to your music player or editing software.


If you have any questions about these guidelines, don’t hesitate to reach out. These rules are here to ensure your mix shines and represents you in the best possible way on Deeper Shades of House.

Looking forward to hearing your mix!

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