Traktor Kontrol S8 Is Coming. The Future Of DJing?

The Traktor Kontrol S4 has been out for quite some time while the S2 came out fairly recently and now you can get an idea what the new Native Instruments controller flagship S8 might look like!
Most noticeable in this video is probably the built in display, which would allow you to browse your collection, have a visual of the waveform (for looping etc.), and more without having to look at your computer at all. However, my excitement got pulled back to reality when I didn't see any platters (jogwheels) on the controller. That makes it a definite no for me to buy the S8. Personally I find it hard to mix with only buttons plus I'm too lazy to beatgrid everything only to rely on sync and I like to have somewhat of a "hands on feel" when playing music. Since all this is just speculation based on a minute long video, I can really only judge if I ever get my hands on an S8.
I'm sure by now you've noticed, that Native Instruments has a marketing team which knows how to get DJs excited about their new products. In this case NI opens the doors to their private launch event on Ibiza and spices up the video with statements and quotes by the likes of Luciano, Davide Squillace and Carl Craig.