Salvatore Agrosi "Spirit EP"
Incl. Remixes by Lars Behrenroth and Mindtech
Deeper Shades Recordings
Catalog Number: DSOH008
Release Date: March 2nd 2009
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Deeper Shades Recordings opens its second year of releases with a strong EP by a fresh new artist. Salvatore Agrosi is an up and coming 20 year old producer from Italy whose love for Deep House shines through in his tracks.
'Spirit EP' is only Salvatore's second solo release but the deep techy 'Spirit' as well as the organic & percussive 'I Can' have been secret weapons in label head Lars Behrenroth's sets for quite some time now. It doesn't come as a surprise that Lars decided to work out two remixes for the title track himself while Salvatore's 2nd project MindTech delivers a solid and driving remix for 'I Can'.
Selected Feedback:
Josh Wink (Ovum Rec.): Will be testing out Spirit Original & Lars Rmx and I can Orig. Good deep stuff!
Laurent Garnier: nice , deep and moody. great stuff to,be played in my early sets
DJ Deep (Deeply Rooted): Excellent! Nice release man, cool mixes!
Hector Romero (Defmix): Hi Lars and thanks for the latest – really feeling your Space Valley Mix on this release. Love the groove – full support – will def feature it on my next Podcast
Julius Papp: the Original and Lars Space Valley MIxes of SPIRIT are my faves....
the original in keeping it minimal with a nice soul-tech vibe grooves nicely, while
Lars' remix gives it an extra bump with his new elements... classy production!
Nick Holder (Trackheadz / DNH): Dope EP!
Scope - Urban\\Torque: Lars Behrenroth Revival Mix is fire! Played it at my last 3 gigs and it heats the floor up perfectly!!
Mad Mats (Raw Fusion): This is f****n hot...luv every mix on this release. Can it get deepah?
Jay Tripwire (Tonality): really feeling Lars remix,it has a nice solid groove that balances out the depth and musicality of the mix to create a dancefloor mover that still makes u think.
Ralf Gum (GoGo Music): cool one! Like all mixes with ‚Spirit’ (Original) as fav. Add my support!
Marlon D (Underground Collective): feeling the original mix and the revival mix for the underground heads. Dope ep !
Shahrokh (Sound Of K / Compost Black): i love this rec. and can't wait to play it tonight. 4 tracks in my favorit-list )
Leigh Morgan (Urban:Torque): Tasty promo here sir, Revival Mix and the two mixes of I can are right up my street, play on the radio coming and in my set for Cielo at the end of this month, excellent stuff
Luke McKeehan (Nordic Trax): Deeper Shades going from strength to strength. Absolutely top shelf. Hard to pick a mix, but the LB Revival mix does it for me. Look for it in my February chart and will be playing it in Spain this weekend.
Wagon Cookin' (Appetizer Rec): Thax for the promo!!! we love all mixes!! we´ll play loud for sure !
Lovebirds (Teardrop): nice one .. nice oldskoolvibe .. I like it
Matt Flores: I Can (Original Mix) is super. Dope EP
Mark Mendoza (Phuture Sole): Slammin'
Master Kev (Code Red): I've been killing the revival mix u sent me last month but now I'm on the space valley mix.. Dope one bro
Yass: "Cool to have news. Dope track, nice work, I like all the package"..
Carlos Mena (Ocha): nice one bro .. really diggin the bounce! - DOPE SINGLE - Diggin All The Mixes
Murray Richardson: nice ep, im playing the original mix of I CAN and also the LB revival mix of SPIRIT
Osunlade (Yoruba): great sound and fresh approach to the new house music sound...congrats!
DJ Christos (South Africa): Another great EP My favorite is `I Can `both mixes rock- definitely on my top 10 keep up the good work.
Roots (Asante): dope .. the Space Valley Mix
Guy Robin: one way to describe what you just sent me (Revival) .... fucking deep!!!!
Neil Aline (Chez Music): nice ep!
Jamie Thinnes (Seasons): another timeless ep for the future of dance! Nasty
Stephen Rigmaiden of Soso Deep: what more can i say, the deeper shades camp is on fiyah!! very solid EP, a different mix for all occasions. much respect!
Tom (Blacksoul): all mixes are really good; really like it
Daniel Kyo: Amazing Ep as usual,Lars! Loving all mixes
Julius 'the mad Thinker': The original mix of spirit is the track that's hitting me!
Sandrino Venin (Lemon Popsicle Music): hey lars, thanx for this...your space valley mix is absolutely awesome...hits my mind like no other...
Vinny Da Vinci (South Africa): Super package all round, will definately paly them all!!!
DJ Rork (Stalwart / Radio FG): favorites: Spirit Original & I Can (Mindtech Remix) good atmosphere.. In my bag.
Greg Fenton: Hi liked the Lars Revival mix 7/10.
Yannick (Needs): Revival Mix is great. Super old school vibe!
Henri Kohn (Conya Rec): Lars Behrenroth Revival Mix for me. Nice One! Will play.
Pablo Martinez: Lovely Jubley!! Lars Space Valley mix for me!…
Matt Pond (Bittersuite / Deepsystems): ill be honest, this didnt initially grab me... but after a couple of listens it really grew on me... very simple and hypnotic, not something you can just flick through, but when you listen to the tracks in full they ROCK. fave mix is spirit - lars revival mix. ill be playing that one...
Eli (Soul Clap): wow. this is def our favorite deeper shades yet. both mixes are just awesome. been rocking the original in deep sets and the lars revival mix for dancefloors. great release!
DJ Ala (Dive): “thanks for this! Where’d you dig up this guy? Pure quality here. Diggin the Mindtech mix of I Can! Mad support.”
Ben Souled: Really feeling the Revival mix of Spirit.
Kellilicious: Really feeling Spirit (LB Space Valley Mix) and absolutely lovin 'I Can' (MindTech Rmx) --- was dying for it since hearing it on the show!
Simon Finnegan (Tone Control): I'm loving both versions of I Can - quality drums! Played this weekend, and will be featuring on our show on PushFM.com... Thanks for sending!
Sebastian Davidson: Very nice and smooth release! Space Valley Remix is Ace!
Andy Compton (The Rurals): Great package…feeling the Lars Behrenroth mixes for my set.
Enrico (Neroli): I like especially the ‘I can’ original.
Matt Masters (Freerange Rec): Strong package dude – feeling both your remixes and the original. Full support
Ricardo Da Costa (Soul Candi / South Africa): We loving this at Soul Candi, “I Can” rocks...we are considering for a compilation
Soy Mustafa (Kemistry): Banging Mate!!!
Pierre Ravan: The original mix left HIGH the SPIRIT of my audience on the beach...
Irfan (Rainy City): Yes Lars ' spirit ' is def the one, a bit of electronic vodoo for ya mind, body and soul.
Brett Jackson (Soul Candi / South Africa): Loving ‘I can’, both mixes are wicked!
Andy Ward: has to be the revival mix all the way for me. played it on show last week.. got great response
Kiko Navarro: All mixes are good on this release, I like specially the originals of Spirit and I can, I will play both and some remixes too, 7/10
Florian Kruse (Urban Torque, Dieb Audio, Knee Deep Recordings)" Deep House Music - 100% the sound I'm playing! Full support! My favorite is the "Lars Behrenroth Revival Mix", wonderful oldskool sounding.
Tony Lionni: Spirit Lars Behrenroth Revival remix gets my vote... real deep ancestral vybes..
Rocco (Rodamaal, Buzzin' Fly): Great Ep !!! Lars remixes work for me as always !!
1. Spirit (Original Mix)
2. Spirit (Lars Behrenroth Space Valley Mix) *
3. Spirit (Lars Behrenroth Revival Mix) *
4. I Can (Original Mix)
5. I Can (MindTech Remix) **
Written, Arranged & Produced by Salvatore Agrosi
* Remix & Additional Production by Lars Behrenroth
** Remix & Additional Production by MindTech (aka Salvatore Agrosi & Marco Fracasso)
Mastered by Gil Tamazyan at Threshold Mastering, Santa Monica
Artwork by Kathy Behrenroth
(P) & © 2009 Deeper Shades Recordings
licensing: [email protected]